Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Video Game Derby Round 2

This Week's Changes

  • Switching form a daily to weekly format. Sitting down everyday to write is a bit difficult. Hopefully switching to a week format will make scheduling IRL (In real life) time easier.
  • Instead of bringing in new games every week, I'll play more of the one's that have stayed in the race.
  • I changed my mind out removing Conan from the list. Removing one per week, even if do to a purple ranking, is enough. Therefor, removing Tenchi saved Conan.
  • From now on regularly going to use Japanese name order, ie: Last First, Ininose Ren, etc. I've been going back in forth a bit before, but I'll do this from now on
  • For dating sims I'll try to at least one prospect's description each week.


Digimon Adventrue

Izzy's adventure took place in a factory in the middle of nowhere. The kids are still looking for people and the factory looks very promising. Izzy meanwhile is noticing that while his laptop battery is actully deap, it's still working. The group enters the factory and it's sort of a maze game finding the buttons to push to open the door and proceed.

Eventully there are two paths and Tai tells Izzy to pick one group to lead while he takes the other. Izzy's group makes it to a giant battery with strange writing inside. Izzy pulls out his computer to try and crack the language. There is a little bit of interaction between Izzy and Tentamon, where Tentamon comments how Izzy seems so happy, and Izzy responds he loves solving puzzles. He then looks a bit serious and we get half of a flashback of his parents deciding whether to tell him something or not (not stated), but then reality kicks in. The computer starts glowing and resonating, and Tentamon kind of glows and is very startled but dosen't evolve. Izzy figures out that computer language has tremendous effects on the world their in.

Tai's team meanwhile find an unconscious Andromon. Agumon tells you not to worry because Andromon's friendly, but once he wakes up he declares Tai's groups introuders and chases them. The two groups meet up and run to the roof where Andromon coroners them. Izzy somehow hacks Tentamon's data and makes him evolve and they battle and defeat Andromon. It turns out Andromon had a black gear in him making him go berserk. As thanks, Andromon show them the tunnel to the next part of the story. As the kids are about to leave however they get transported to yet another world.

There are digimon in it but something about them seems different. On top of that, the world is made up of green lines, like in virtualy reality things. Eventully the group are transported to the Digital world again, and Izzy discovers his computer sent them to the third world. While the kids think that was scary, the digimon seem excited about exploring it and the level is unlocked on the chapter page. It looks to be some kind of training level, and I shall investigate it further next week.

The interaction between Izzy and Tentamon has so far been the weakest I've seen. I guess while the other digimon where either making up for a trait that their partner needed (ie. Biyomon was sweet enough to put Sora at ease) or bring out their good traits (ie. Aguman following Tai's lead) Tentamon's interaction's with Izzy are a bit... bland. Tantamon's personality as far as I can make out, it that he has an accent, and while he occasionally makes a strange pose, it still doesn't seem like a personality trait. Maybe Izzy is just too well rounded a character to need his digimon to act as a foil, but I hope that Tentamon will be a bit more relevent as a character then as a fighting tool in the future.


Still enjoying this game so from #1 and green last week, it's still keeping a strong story in green.

Digimon Story: Lost Evolution

Besides quite a bit of level grinding now a whole lot happend this week. You meet up with a Devimon, which seems to be the Demidevimon from before now evolved.

You fight and this time wining gets you the black box. Devimon is still bitter about being abandoned and does not belive at all the tamers went missing at the same time. He leaves and you return to the base. You find that another base has given a distress call (I think?) and you're sent off there to investigate, it being said that your friends might be over there. Hiroyuki seems to have helped the digimon at the base with somekind of upgrade and I guess I'll see next week what that is.

A good grinding game to pass the time, but still a bit of an annoying story. Still yellow this week.


Ouran High School Host Club

The last day for Sayuri's love interest at school. The club is extra busy of course and interestingly we get to see some character development from the three regulars. They're concerned about both Haruhi ans Sayuri, although it doesn't seem they've put together that the two are troubled for the same reason. During customer time you get to pick which customer to sit with, and I've made a habit of picking Sakurazuka Kimiko, because I can recogize her Kanji, hill of Cherry Blossoms, the fastest. She seems to be a bit of a gentle worrier, so Haruhi convinces her that the reason Haruhi herself looks tiered is because she was up late studying. Sakurazuka makes Haruhi promise to go to bed early that night.

There is a character choise scene, and so Tamaki and Haruhi go off to go stalk Sayuri's crush. The reasoning was, they were probably having trouble coming up with a plan to get the two together, because they didn't know anything first hand about the dude. In the class room they get that Kyoya's report of him was on the mark. The go the the Kitchen next and after chatting with the cooks Mr.Crush leaves with a bag of food. This convinces Takami that he's lost all his money and is now begging for table scraps. Haruhi eventully gets Tamaki to follow after Mr.Crush, who left their sights quite a bit ago. The can't follow him up to the roof however and on his way back down they have no where to hide. Tamaki quickly demads they pretend to be lovers so their cover isn't blown. Haruhi starts to protest and says it's fine to just act normal, but Tamaki insists and with no time to argue Haruhi kind of uncomfortably stands there where Takaki looks into her eyes and strokes her chin, obviously enjoying himself. After some time passes Haruhi asks how much longer they have to stand like that, since their target already passed. Tamaki is startled and Haruhi takes the chance of not being silinced to point out that since she's dressed as a guy, it was more of a distraction then a discreet cover.

Having fun with the game. Last week was pretty much just a catchup so it's ranking was based on how good I remembered the game. I'm pleased to say that this week it's a stronger green. The Kanji also wasn't a problem like I remembered it to be, so I'm having no difficultly reading it.

Character of the Week:

Suou Tamaki 須王 環

President of the Host Club.

A half with a french mother, he is also the son of the school chairman.

Not only is he the original founder of the host club, within it he boasts the No.1 request rate. But because he's a narcissist, has the face of a moron, and for other reasons, the other club members sometimes mess with him. He calls himself the king of the host club, but nobody else calls him that.


Starry Sky -in Spring-

I didn't make any progress this week, so it's ranking remains the same as before, still green but time is making the green weaker. I think it's cute, but not all that deep so far.

Character of the week, From the booklet

Tomoe You 土萌 羊

Henrei Samuel Jean Aimee (French name)

Year: 2nd

Department: Astronomy

Blood type: O

Birthday: January 12th

Star Sign: Capricorn

Hight: 175 Cm

Weight: 58 Kg


"Being far away, our love might be fading away.

It can't be true.

Adding more love for you everyday,

With a bunch of piled thought for you,

I will come to pick up up someday"

He is a transfer student into Seigetsu High School's Astronomy Department. He's a very attractive half French, half Japanese man. Having meet the heroine as a child, they were reunited when he transferred into Saikai Academy


Detective Conan

Saved from the Junk heap becasue I changed the rules again, last week's last place did better this week.

Storry-wise, not much happened. But we finally see what our main characters are doing and get a bit into how this game is going to work. We meet the three kids that are Conan's elementry school friends along with another girl, and I unfortunately don't have her name, so I'm going to call her Ai, I think it was something like that. Normaly I have the booklet in the game cases with the character names in them, but I don't for this one. Anyway, Ai is a character I never got to in the Anime, but I know she's a scientist who was shrunk like Conan was. In her case she worked for the orginization and tried to use the drug to commit suiside. (I think they improsioned her before that?) Anyway, that makes her Conan's ex-adult ally. The natural elementry school kids are speculating who Onimaru might be and ask Conan and Ai's opinions. Both of them hold that it's hard to guess with just what's being reported on the news. Conan suspects however that Ai might know a bit more then she's telling the kids. We then go into some explation pages that used up my flashcards for the day, so I stoped about there. The game, however, has now introduced evidence folders and the ability to question people. Guess I'll try it out next week.

Gone from a long-winded off story to something I'm getting curious about. Conan moves from yellow to green!


Gakuen Hetalia

Once you've gotten past the initial start up Sechiles goes to sleep, and the next few days at school cutely run a bit like the Hetalia anime: short and punchy. The days are devided into three parts and you get to pick somewhere on school to go hang out. You can see a country at diffirent parts of the school and going there and doing their events increases their affection. I put before that you probably didn't need to see the anime to play the game, but now it's clear to me the game was designed for people who have. I started writing the next part explaining the in jokes but.... there are just too many. If you care you really should watch the anime. That being said, here's my run down of how my choices went:


Just trying out going somewhere with nobody, I went to the library. Sechiles tentativly asks if Canada is there (in joke is Canada is invisiable to people who don't know he's there, unless he's mistaken for America). Nothing happens and she leaves XD

Russia: I've kind of randomly decided to make Russia my primary target for now, but for this whole play through I don't currently have any one character in mind so I'll probably just around a great deal.

Event 1) Russia gets a letter in his locker that he can't read. He hands it to Sechiles, but she can't either. France comes in and declares it's a love letter! Although, he can't read it eaither. Sechiles goes to get Japan to help and finally he reveals it to be a curse. Russia dosen't understand why anyone would want to curse him, but appreciates Sechiles for helping him solve the mystery

Event 2) Seychelles walks up to Russia on the roof and starts to say hi but is shushed. Russia, as it turns out is spying on Lishtenstain and Switzerland. The two exchange some chatter as Lishtenstain gives Switzerland a handkerchief he forgot and the two leave. You comment that the two siblings get along really well and Russia starts to get depressed as he repeats that must be what having a normal relationship with your younger sister musts be like.


Germany is in the hall and asks Japan if he finished the assinment for class yet. Japan says yes and asks Germany in turn. Germany says, "Of course! Is what I wanted to say. The truth is I haven't even started" It turns out he lent his dictionary to Italy and can't start the assignment without it. Japan offers his but Germany refuses because he knows Japan will need it to review. Seychelles lends hers to Germany and his affection increases. Greece then come in and tells Sechiles that she needs a dictionary for her assinment as well. Germany is unset that Seychelles tried to give him hers when she needed it and tries to give it back but Secheiles won't take it. Greece then resolves the issue by lending his dictionary in turn to Seychelles. Germany asks if in that case it would be less compicated if he just borrowed Greece's dictionary, to which Greece responds that the human heart is complicated, and Germany accepts that answer with a smile


Japan is reading a book in the library when Seychelles comes in. She wants to talk to him, but he looks so busy she would feel bad for disturbing him. America then bounds in and starts talking loudly to Japan, much to Seychelles's disgust. The two see her however and invite her over, Seychelles asks what book Japan was reading and Japan shows her, convincing her to borrow it in the process. Japan's affection increases.

Character intro of the week, from the booklet

ロシア Russia

A young man with a big body and the heart of an honest young boy.

Because he speaks honestly and bluntly, he is becoming the comity's straight man. He's gentle, but also the type to easily misunderstand what's going on around him. It seems that he has sisters, but when the conversation turns to them his mood takes an about-face.

I enjoyed the change to the quicky format of the anime and keep hetalia a solid green. The regular otome format was alright for introducing the main character, but this allows players to see more of their favorites.


Ugly Duckling

Got through the new tenant's introductions. The first one,Icninose Ren, was condicending and rude, I explained that one last time. The second one, Kahara Masaki, was friendly and rude, and here that Kanji I can't read kept popping up so I can't tell exactly what it is he's saying, but he seems to be more thoughtless rude then the first guy. The third one, Tachibana Kennosuke, was not all that interested in dating (it's how he was introduced) and rudely said he didn't know they made womens' clothing in such large sizes. The forth, Kamishiro Ayato, was a well known play-boy who normally hits on every girl at school, and was rudely distant and polite. The last one, Fumaki Souta, was a first year who looks and acts much younger, the heroine was on edge by the time she got to him, but he was just friendly and they promised to play together sometime.

Since the last one, Fukami Souta, was the only one who wasn't a prick during the first meeting, I so far like him the best. Here's his discription from the Character booklet:

Academy's 3rd Most Popular: Sports Boy

Fumami Souta 深水 颯大 :1st Year

A young man who loves sports. For some reason, when around the heroine he's restless.


Last week I mentioned that while the Kanji was annoying, it didn't really cause any problems playing. This week I'm afraid it was and it really got in the way. I want to know what happens still, but unfortunately that means I'm moving it from #2 green to unplaceable purple. Sorry, something important is apparently being said, but I can't read it.

This Weeks End Rankings

  1. Digimon Adventure
  2. Ouran High School Host Club
  3. Gakuen Hetalia
  4. Detective Conan
  5. Starry Sky In Spring
  6. Digimon Story: Lost Evolution
  7. Ugly Duckling

So this week ugly duckling drops out do to technical difficulties! A tough blow to such a promising looking premies. To top it off, Detective Conan, which looked to have lost last week, not only came back into the race but has jumped up two places! It's not looking good for Digimon Story, which has been in the yellow two weeks running. It had better pry another game has techical difficulties as well or it had better get its act together in the following week!


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