Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Catchup for Ouran High School Host Club and Starry Sky -in Spring-

Today's derby contenders are Ouran High School Host Club DS and Starry Sky -in Spring- Portable (PSP). These are both Otome games, or dating sims aimed at girls.

These are games I have gotten a fair bit into so today will just be a "Catch Up" for both of them. Catch up's are always a bit long, but today's are for the two games I'm the farthest in, so today's post will be extra long.

Ouran High School Host Club DS

This is the dating sim partner for the anime Ouran High School Host Club. I was really into the anime at the time the PS2 game came out, but since I couldn't speak Japanese I dismissed it at the time. When they announced later that production of that game had stopped I highly regreated missing my chance. Even if I can't understand it, I thought, at least the game pictures would be fun to see. So when they announced remaking it for the DS I jumped at my second chance and bought a copy. As I've progressed through Japanese it has long been my go-to game to check how my progress is/was going, so I'm a fair bit in already. This is the second game in Japanese I ever bought.

For those unfamiler with the anime I would recomend watching the first episode and then coming back, because the twist ending of the first episode is the setup for the rest of the series. You have been warned. I'm bearly going to talk around it in a really obvious manner. For those with no issue with spoilers, the overall idea is: Haruhi, a poor scholarship student attenting an elite flithy rich high school, is looking for a quite place to study. Since the library is packed with chatty students he is looking for an empty class room to use. He goes into what looks like an unused music room and is quite surprised to find it is the home of the Host Club.

For those unfamiler with the term, a host club is pretty much part of the adult entertainment industry aimed at women. Women (or men with that inclination) go to the club, pay for alchohal and food, and sit with an attractive "host". The women pays for what the host eats and drinks as well, while he flirts with her. The male equivilent is a hostess club. The game's high school host club dosen't charge the guests who come to be flirted with, but that's kind of a technicallity. Haruhi comming in just gets the introduction that he walked into a host club.

In his confusion, and while being very forcefully flirted with by Tamaki, Haruhi knocks over a ridiculously expensive vase. Since there is no way he can pay for it he is drafted into the club. First as an errend boy, and then as a host once they realize he actully looks attractive and just put zero effort into his apperence. By the end of the first day all the club members know "he" is really a "she" and the anime progresses with practical Haruhi pretending to be a boy so she can pay off her club debt. The anime genre is 'reverse-haram", or one female protagonist surrounded by a lot of attractive guys. Haruhi however has very low self awareness so most of the time, at least in the beginning, it's almost a parody of the genre.

From the get-go it is clear this game is meant to be for fans of the show who wanted to see more. While scenes from the original anime are spliced in, the game so far does not follow the original story. Nor does it contratict it. It really dosen't say when these events occur durring the time frame, so it's best not to dwell on that point to much. These are extras for fans, although I don't think you need to have seen any of the anime to enjoy the story.

From a gameplay perspective the kanji makes things a bit harder. Unlike digimon, It's apparent that the target audience is supposed to be much older, and is expected to know how to read a fair amount of kanji at this point. Furigana (pronunciation) is not provided except for rare readings. The kanji is often squished and without a background knowing stroke count to look up radicals, it can be difficult to understand. Haruhi's inner thoughts are unvoiced but as far as I can tell the voice actors from the anime were pulled in to voice the game as well, and all verbal lines are spoken.

The Catch Up

The start up is the basic introduction of the school one sees in the opening of anime, "This school values two things. Firstly, family history. Secondly, Money" etc. We go to Haruhi, who is already working at the host club but dosen't really know how to get or entertain customers. So the very beginning of the game is a pretty smooth, although a bit long, tutorial.

The gist of entertaining is: when a customer sits with Haruhi, you as the player select an action. Talk, listion, serve tea, etc. The customer's attitude is supposed to give you hints as to the correct action, but I'm personally quick saving, guessing blindly, reload, repeat, until I get the right answer. There's a best answer, some good answers, some bad answers, and a really bad answer (if memory serves). Doing well in this mini game increses your reputation and thereby your requests go up. (Ie, you can pay off your debt faster)

There is a second entertaining method, where you help other hosts. The idea is the other hosts have a backlog of requests but can't just leave conversations. Haruhi can select someone to go over and help by joining in the conversation. Here you are only a few sentences to go on and you're supposed to pick the topic to join in the conversation smoothly. Sports, Medison, etc. If you get this mini game right not only to customer, but the host gets more affection for you as well.

Haruhi's first guest is Momoka Kurakano, or Haruhi's class VP. Momoka came to request Tamaki, but he is unlikly to get to her turn any time soon. Haruhi inadvertently starts to entertain her. It happens just by trying to be thoughtful by giving her a place to sit, getting her tea, and talking to her to pass the time until her turn. Seeing this and realizing that Haruhi hadn't calculated her moves at all, Kyoka christians her the natural type. Which as it turns out can also be translated as air-head. It goes off well and the the tutorial more or less ends as the first main story starts

I know there will be at least two stories here, but I'm so far only in the first.

One day a very tall, very proud American-Japanese transfer student shows up. Haruhi attempts to welcome her into the club but the girl is miffed that Haruhi doesn't recognize her. It turns out the the girl, Sayuri, is Haruhi's childhood friend. Haruhi's mother, a lawyer, was somehow connected to Sayuri's mother (probably employed?) and the two played together when they were younger. Sayuri at some point in their youth left for America and grew up there. Sayuri is now very self consious about her hight and envies Haruhi's shortness. Haruhi for her part "wouldn't mind being just a little bit taller".

While they get distracted on that tanget a few of Haruhi's guests come over to ask Haruhi to introduce them. Sayuri is quite taken aback by their use of "Haruhi-Kun", and the host club quickly suspends club activities to enlist her privetly into the charade. Sayuri agrees on the condition they help her confess to her love interest, the reason she transfered in.

We find out that there was a very kind Japanese boy that Sayuri met once at a rich people party in America. After talking to him once she was crushing on him pretty hard but couldn't find the chance to speak to him again. Even though they went to many of the same parties he always seemed to be otherwise engaged. After not seeing him for a while she found out he had gone back to Japan and she desided to transfer into the same school as him (Ouran) so she could confess. The issue: He's transfering out in a few days. So Sayuri has to work up her courage and confess before he leaves, and she wants Haruhi, and by extension the Host Club, to help her.

The host club splits into teams to figure out the best stratagy. The winning team gets middle school pictures of Haruhi, and/or Haruhi would get a debt reduction.

This is essentially to point the choose a route and I'm going with Tamaki. I like Mori, but there is a very clear reason to pick Tamaki. His and Kyoya's Japanese is the cleanest, so for my first run through one of those two were preferable. My thought was, Kyoya tends to use more complex sentence structure, so Tamaki should be eaiser, right? Actully, no. I forgot Tamaki is an idiot. There are so many times I'm going through this and I'm confused. As in: Wait- was that a bad translation? No. No. Tamaki really did just pull something from left field as though it was related. Sigh. Why didn't I pick Kyoya? Ah well... even if he is annoying I can't help but give an exhausted laugh when I realize what's going on. For a note, Hikaru and Kaouru tend to be slangish in speech, Honey tends to be cutesy, and Mori SHORTENS EVERYTHING. Or grunts. Sorry Mori, I need a bit more to go on. :(

Ergo-> Tamaki Route

Picking Tamaki/Kyoya team makes Tamaki very happy because it means Haruhi wants to be with him! When Haruhi says that being on Kyoya's team will increase her chances of successes, Tamaki is horrified but Kyoya is very happy. Sayuri joins you and the four of you head out to the rose garden. This happens about 2 or three days in a row and at some point in this Sayuri shows Tamaki a picture of her and Haruhi as children.

In the rose garden Tamaki introduces his plan to make a haunted house. His idea is fear and love are closely intertwined so if Sayuri and her love interest (sorry, I can't remember his name) come into the haunted house gardens together Sayuri's sucess rate will go up. Nekozaka-senpai (the president of the Black Magic Club) shows up out of nowhere and a excitidly offers to help. After some banter which terrifies Tamaki and causes Sayuri to doubt her desision to trust the Host club with this, Kyoya says the idea won't work. Even if they got permission to make over the rose garden as a haunted house, they would have to make it an event open to everyone, not just the two poeple they need. Nekozaka-senpai skulks off "Silently except for his footsteps" and Tamaki is relived and dissapointed for different reasons. Kyoya asks Sayuri if she can remember anything else about her love interest and all she has to go on is he mentioned once he had a foundness for Japanese sweets. The next day Tamaki admits dejectedly that he stayed up all night but just can't come up with a good Haunted Japanese Sweet Shop Garden scenario. Kyoya tells him he's an idot and to let it go. Tamaki is shocked and dejected. Haruhi says suggests Kyoya go eaiser on Tamaki but Kyoya just responds that spoiling children is bad for them in the long run. The day ends with Haruhi checking her debt rate and thinking that the next day is the last. She needs to come up with at least a suggestion herself or Kyoya is likely to chastise her (and/or raise her debt) for slacking off.

End Catch-up


I like this game and it's continuation of a show I enjoyed. The main issue I have with it is just the language abilitiy required to play. I'm giving it a low green. Definently want to see what will happen, but my progress rate can be a bit disheartening.

Starry Sky - in Spring - Portable (PSP)

There are apparently 4 games in the Starry Sky series. Each game has 3 guys with different western Zodiac star signs assosiated with them. The "Spring" game that I have has Cancer, Capricorn, and Pieces. I have a large curiosity about Otome Game, hense my blogs name Otogamer, or dating sims aimed at girls. When I asked my Japanese friend for a recomendation she lent me this game. It's apparently really popular right now. Personally, it was a "Oh heck ya!" moment, because it's not only an Otome game, it's a Zodiac game! With Capricorn! I've had an interest in western astrology's zodiac for their personality traits since I was at least in Jr. High. Much to my dismay in that regard I found that most of what I could find in pop culture where horoscopes, which I just can't get into. Anyway: that means this game is automaticly extra interesting for me! Also, since this game is on loan, I've got an extra insentive to finish it before I leave Japan.

The friend who lent me this game was also the one who suggested I start this blog.


The Catch-Up

Our main character is attending a high school specilizing in all things star related out in the country-side. The majors are such things as Mythology, Astronomy, Astrology (east or west), etc. You and your two childhood friends, our Cancer and Pisces characters, have been crazy about stargazing since they were little. When you heard about this special high school the three enrolled without a moment's second thought. Luckly for our female lead, this former all-boys school swiched to co-ed just recently so she was able join. Unfortunatly, due to the speciality nature of the classes, it's inconvenient location, etc. you are the only girl enrolled at the moment. You've got your two childhood friends with her though, so you shouldn't have anything to worry about, right?

The action starts at the end of their first year, with finals already over. You woke up late, unusual for you, after having a hazy dream about looking at the stars with someone, possibly from your childhood. You run off to school and meet another late student, your Pisces friend, who is walking in leisurely. Apparently he has a habit of getting into fights, because he has "another" cut on his cheek. He greets you and teases you for being a member of the late group before you sprint off to class. The teacher isn't there so Pisces delares that means he isn't late and falls asleep at his desk instantly. Well, someone else's desk. You question Cancer who says that he is in class duty that day but wouldn't count you tardy, because it's you. Pisces accuses him of favoring you as Cancer helps him over to his correct desk.

Moving on.

Your school gets a mysterious transfer student. He's half French, half Japanese, so naturally everyone comments how cool and foreign he looks while I think he looks more Japanese then the other two guys. For crying out loud, Cancer is blond!

There is a funny and awkward exchange between Pisces and Cancer during Capricorn's introduction. (By the way, their actual names are Kanata, Suzuya, and Yoh, respectively) Pisces yells loudly that Capricorn looks like a girl. Cancer tells him not to be rude. Pisces says he must have been thinking the same thing. Cancer admits he looks a bit androgynous. I (as the player not the character) am telling them not to have this conversation here and now. The teacher tells them to be quiet and they settle down. Capricorn's introduction is polite but expressionless, and Pisces takes an immediate disliking to him.

Capricorn is assigned to sit next to you. He comes over and stares at you, then smiles for the first time. You feel a weird sence of deja'vu. He says he's very happy to see you again but when questioned won't tell you where he knows you from. I (once again as the player) am finding this conversation to be somewhat stalkerish and am wondering what my loud friends are doing now. Yes, of course now you guys are quiet. Anyway, Capricorn takes his seat next to you and it seems that whenever is attention is off of you he grows expressionless again.

This is of course the point where I'm saying, "Oh dear". I decided before starting that I wanted to follow Capricorn's route. Because that's my sign. But I'm finding these "I know you" things to be more creepy then romantic.

Next time you two get a chance to talk you remember where you know him from. You played together as kids and without thinking when you remember him you call him by his pet name, Hitsuji-kun, or "Sheepy", if you will. He is very happy you remember him and kisses you on the cheek and compliments you on turning into a lovely lady. This finally gets your friends' attention. Pisces is furious and Cancer is trying to calm him down. Their back and forthing makes Capricorn question whether they're a comedy duo. You are apparently perfectly at ease with Capricorn now that you know where you know him from and are happy to see everyone "getting along" and hope all three of the guys will be friends. The problem is, Capricorn has no interest in being anybody's friend but yours. Pisces's hostile attitude aside, even Cancer's friendly attiude is brushed off. Capricorn only reluctently shakes Cancer's hand at your pleading.

The next day you show up late again but see Pisces hanging out outside. You find out he's taking the day off of school and he's just going to take a nap instead. You decide to do the same and he seems more worried about you taking time off because you're actully a good student. You throw his reasons back at him and join him. The two of you remember old times for a bit. Apperently Pisces was a crybaby when he was younger and Cancer and you where always trying to cheer him up. He gets embaresed and tries to change the topic but you persist and ask him about his condition, because he apparently used to have attacks of some kind. He tells you he hasn't had an attack in years but, right before your eyes it looks like he suddenly has one. B-uuuuuuut he was actully just messing with you. He tells you to stop bringing that old stuff and that he's fine now. He rolls over on the grass and goes to sleep. You sigh, laugh, and do the same.

Next day you're back in class and Capricorn is glad to see you. You call him by his last name and he's sad and wants to know why you aren't calling him by his pet name anymore. Your reason is it's kind of embarrassing, so he insists you call him by his first name at least. Meanwhile, It's White day so Cancer and Pisces have return gifts for you for Valentine's day. Cancer is apparently a really good cook and gives you some kind of cake you requested. Capricorn is given a crash course lecture on Japanese white day and he immediaty says he looks forward to getting chocolate for you next Valentine's day. This turns into a discussion of valentine's day gifts in general and it come out (to your surprise) that in Jr. High neither of your guy friends, despite being popular, accepted chocolate from any other girl but you. Although that embarrassing situation coupled with what I think where some hints you arn't a very good cook meant both Pisces and Cancer somehow wound up saying they didn't need chocolate and if that was the case then fine! You won't make them any next year! Capricorn let's you know that he still looks forward to chocolate. The other two exchange a "we screwed that one up" look.

As things continue something or another finally gets on Capricorn's and Pisces's last nerve and the two go onto the roof do duke it out. You plead Cancer to stop them, since that's sort of what he's been doing this entire time, but declares this to be a "Man's fight" so there isn't anything he can do to stop it. You two go up to the roof to watch and the pair appear evenly matched. They somehow resolve their differences through their fists and Cancer deams the "man's fight" part to be done and steps in to deam it time for a picnic. You four sit together on the roof and prepare to eat the lunch he prepared.

End Catch-up

Starry Sky Spring is an Otome game that's actully pretty close to my level, so I really feel like I can understand and enjoy the story. On top of that, since it's a loan I feel an extra sense of urgency to play it and see what happens. I'm giving it a green.

Running Ranking

  1. Digimon Adventure
  2. Starry Sky Portable -in Spring-
  3. Ouran High School Host Club
  4. Digimon Story: Lost Evolution

This post is coming a bit late since the recap took much longer to write then expected. Wednesday's games are both onces I've bearly touched, so I'll be running those two from the beginning.


Next up, Conan for the DS and Hetalia for the PSP


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